Public Notices
Public Notices
César Chávez Academy Middle School wants you to be informed of important policies, procedures, and No Child Left Behind mandates impacting student and employee safety, responsibilities, and rights. Please take time to review our Annual Notices and contact our school principal or the main office if you have questions.
Cesar Chavez Academy Middle School
Main Office 313-842-006
6782 Goldsmith
Detroit, MI 48209
​Asbestos Hazards Emergency Response Act (AHERA)
The safety and security of students and staff is the primary concern of César Chávez Academy Middle School. Therefore, we have inspected the building for asbestos-containing materials in compliance with the Asbestos Hazards Emergency Response Act (AHERA).
All public schools must have a management plan for asbestos, regardless of whether or not there is asbestos-containing material present.
A plan has been completed for César Chávez Academy Middle School by an EPA accredited management planner. The formal management plan is available for review by parents/guardians and employees in the main office. It covers topics such as asbestos-containing materials in the school, response actions, and periodic surveillance.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. April Jenkins, school principal at​
​Michigan law requires that each student upon entry into kindergarten or into a new school district involving grades 1-12 possess a certificate of immunization at the time of registration or not later than the first day of school.
Public Act 89 of 2000 mandates that an immunization assessment be completed for each sixth grade student. The above laws (which amend the Revised School Code, the Public Health Code, and the State School Aid Act) were implemented to ensure that children are adequately immunized against vaccine preventable diseases prior to achieving adolescence. Immunization prior to adolescence is important, as some of these diseases become an even greater threat to health upon reaching adolescence.
Prior to a child entering or attending school, parents or guardians are required to produce documentation confirming their child has received all required immunizations, or in the alternative, their child received at least one dose of each of the required immunizations and is awaiting receipt of subsequent doses to be administered at appropriate intervals.
There are also three circumstances in which a required vaccine may be waived or delayed:
1. A valid medical contraindication exists precluding the child from receiving the vaccine. A medical waiver is required to be completed and signed by the child's physician and shall state the contraindication(s), the vaccine(s) involved, and the time period during which the child is precluded from receiving the vaccine(s).
2. The parents or guardians hold religious or philosophical beliefs which preclude receipt of a vaccination(s). A waiver must be signed by the parent or guardian with all information completely supplied. An updated waiver must be presented each ye~r the child's immunization status is reported.
3. The child has received at least one dose of each immunizing agent and the next dose or doses are not yet due.
Section 1136(6) of the Revised School Code, MCL 380.1136(6), requires the Saginaw Valley State University Board of Control, as a public school academy authorizing body, to prepare a list
of uses or instances the University commonly discloses regarding a student’s directory information. “Directory information” means information contained in a student’s education record that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. Even though the University does not maintain student K-12 educational records or student directory information for any student attending the public school academies that the University Board authorizes, the law requires a public school academy’s authorizing body to disclose to you a list of uses or instances the University may commonly disclose your student’s directory information. In addition, the law gives you the opportunity to elect not to have your student’s directory information disclosed for 1 or more of these uses or instances.​
List of Uses
The University does not maintain K-12 student directory information for public school
academies that are authorized by the University Board. From time to time, however, the
University may receive student directory information from the schools that it authorizes. For
example, the University may receive certain student directory information from your school and
display that information on the School/University Partnership Office (SUPO) website or in
publicly available materials prepared by the office about certain happenings, events and
achievements at your school. Your school may also disclose directory information from the
educational records of a student. Directory information can include the following types of
• student’s name, address and telephone number;
• names of student’s parents;
• student’s date and place of birth;
• student’s class designation (i.e. 1st grade, 8th grade, etc.);
7400 Bay Road • University Center, MI 48710 • USA
Contact: 989.964.4000 • svsu.edu
• student’s extra-curricular participation;
• student’s achievement awards or honors;
• student’s weight and height if a member of an athletic team;
• student’s photograph;
• previous educational institutions attended by the student;
• student’s dates of attendance;
• name of school student currently attends;
• student’s electronic mail address;
• student projects, artwork, web pages, and photographic or video images created
by the school or students in conjunction with school sponsored activities may be
used for information and/or instructional purposes including, but not limited to,
video and audio playback, internet and print publication, and cable television
Public school academies may disclose any of the above without prior written consent unless the
school is notified to the contrary by you in writing. Each school maintains a list of student names
whose parent/ legal guardian (or the student if 18 years of age or an emancipated minor) has
requested that disclosure be refused. The School/University Partnership Office requests that each
school authorized by the University Board of Control review these lists and advise us of students
that are excluded from directory information disclosures. Any student who is excluded from
directory information disclosure at the school, will automatically be excluded by the School/
University Partnership Office.​
How to Request Refusal of Your Student’s Directory Information​
Any parent or legal guardian (or the student if 18 years of age or an emancipated minor) is also
entitled to separately refuse disclosure of student directory information noted above by sending
the attached Opt Out form to the School/University Partnership Office at 7400 Bay Road,
University Center, MI 48710 or by electronic mail to: drg@svsu.edu.
If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact the Director, Dr. David Lewis, at dalewis@svsu.edu or 989-964-4043.
The McKinney-Vento Act defines children and youth who are homeless (twenty-one years of age and younger) as children and youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, and includes children and youth who are:
• sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason (sometimes referred to as double-up);
• living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to lack of alternative adequate accommodations;
• living in emergency or transitional shelters;
• abandoned in hospitals;
• awaiting foster care placement.
• residing in a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designated for, or ordinarily used as, regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.
• living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings.
(Migratory children qualify as homeless if they are living in circumstances described above.)
If you are personally aware of or are acquainted with any children who may qualify according to the above criteria, the Cesar Chavez Academy provides the following assurances to parents of homeless children:
• There shall be immediate enrollment and school participation, even if educational and medical records and proof of residency are not available.
• All educational opportunities and related opportunities for homeless students (preschool to age 21), including unaccompanied youth, shall be the same as for the general student population. This includes enrollment and transportation rights, including transportation to the school of origin. “School of origin” is defined as the school the child or youth attended when permanently housed or the school in which the child or youth was last enrolled.
• Meaningful opportunities for parents to participate in the education of their children also exist. These shall include special notices of events, parent-teacher conferences, newsletters, and access to student records.
• Written explanation of a child or youth’s school placement other than the school of origin or the school requested by the parent, who has the right to appeal within the local dispute resolution process.
The local school liaison for homeless children is Mrs. A. Jenkins, School Leader, 313-842-0006.